Short Virtual Presentation & Digital Poster 10th Australian Stream Management Conference 2021

Reducing sediment delivery to the Great Barrier Reef using spatial data (#62)

Jacqui Reid 1 , Rachel Bryan 2 , Misko Ivezich 1
  1. Alluvium Consulting Australia, Brisbane, QLD, Australia
  2. Fitzroy Basin Association, Rockhampton, QLD, Australia
  1. Channel erosion within Fitzroy Basin waterways have been identified as factors that contribute significant sediment and nutrient loads to the Great Barrier Reef (GBR). The basin is approximately 156,000kmĀ² in size, more than twice the area of Tasmania. With a vast area and limited funding for analysis or on-ground works we were engaged to determine the best value for money catchment management responses in priority sub-catchments to protect the GBR and improve river health.
  2. Using a combination of low-resolution spatial data and targeted field visits we developed an understanding of the catchment physiography, fluvial geomorphology, stream physical form and riparian condition within each sub-catchment. A prioritisation process using a Multi-Criteria Analysis was developed and used to compare the relative priorities for management between each sub-catchment. We then developed stream restoration plans in the priority sub-catchments and subsequently collected high resolution spatial data. The high-resolution data was analysed to improve system understanding and supplement the findings and subsequent management recommendations from the previously developed stream restoration plans.
  3. The high-resolution data allowed us to assess recent erosion and channel changes within the sub-catchments to determine how active the streams were. This allowed for more refined stream management recommendations that provided a high level of sediment reduction vs investment.
  4. The work highlighted the potential for using spatial data to assess vast catchment areas to identify the best value for money investment opportunities. It also highlighted the benefits of using multi-criteria analyses to determine priorities for catchment management based on stakeholder values.
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