Amber Perry
Amber has over 19 years' experience as a waterway management professional within the Victoria and Queensland public sectors. She has successfully led a range of programs and high-profile projects in the areas of policy, planning, science and community engagement. She has a Bachelor of Science (with honours in freshwater ecology) from the University of Melbourne and significant expertise in waterway and catchments, urban stormwater and marine/coastal management.
Amber is currently the Manager for Waterway Policy within the Victorian Department of Environment, Land, Water and Planning. In this role, she is leading the development of the next Victorian Waterway Management Strategy - the state-wide policy framework for improving the health of rivers, wetlands and estuaries across Victoria. Over the next three years, she will be working in close partnership with Traditional Owners, government agencies, Catchment Management Authorities and the broader sector and community to develop the new Strategy.
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